ICA2026 Official SNS accounts
Official SNS accounts for ICA2026 are open.
We will be sharing various updates related to the International Congress of Actuaries to be held in 2026, so please make sure to follow these accounts.

X:ICA2026 Tokyo (@ICA2026)

Facebook:ICA2026 Tokyo (ica2026.tokyo)

LinkedIn:ICA2026 Tokyo
The Institute of Actuaries of Japan Social Media Usage Policy
[April 1, 2024]
1. Introduction
The Institute of Actuaries of Japan (hereinafter referred to as the “IAJ”) has opened the following official SNS accounts (hereinafter referred to as the “Account”) for the purpose of information dissemination. Users (hereinafter referred to as “Users”) who use the Account are requested to read the following terms of use in advance and agree to its contents before use.
(Please note that the following accounts are dedicated to The Institute of Actuaries of Japan):
・ X: 公益社団法人 日本アクチュアリー会 (@iaj_kouhou)
(Please note that the following accounts are dedicated to ICA2026 Tokyo):
・ X: ICA2026 Tokyo (@ICA2026)
・ Facebook: ICA2026 Tokyo (ica2026.tokyo)
・ LinkedIn: ICA2026 Tokyo
2. Basic Policy
The purpose of this Account is to: disseminate information about the IAJ’s activities, initiatives, and event updates; deepen understanding of the IAJ among Users; and enhance User convenience.
3. Copyrights and Handling of Personal Information
The copyrights and other intellectual property rights of the information posted by the IAJ on the Account (including texts, logos, trademarks, trade names, photos, illustrations, data, etc.) belong to the IAJ and its affiliated organizations unless otherwise specified, and are protected by copyright law and other laws. The copyrights and other intellectual property rights of the information posted by Users belong to the Users themselves. However, by posting, Users grant the IAJ the right to use the posted information (including modifications, etc.) free of charge, and agree not to exercise copyright and other intellectual property rights.
Personal information of Users acquired by the IAJ and information posted by Users that the IAJ determines to be personal information are subject to the IAJ’s “Personal Information Protection Policy.”
4. Prohibited Activities
The following actions are prohibited when commenting or posting to the Account. Please review the prohibited actions in advance before use:
- Posting or transmitting harmful programs (including computer viruses) or engaging in acts that may cause such transmission.
- Acts that infringe upon the privacy of third parties or the IAJ.
- Acts that cause disadvantages or damages to third parties or the IAJ.
- Acts that damage the reputation or credibility of third parties or the IAJ.
- Acts that infringe upon copyrights, trademark rights, portrait rights, etc., of the Digital Agency or third parties.
- Posting with the purpose of directing viewers of this page to other websites without the IAJ’s permission.
- Acts contrary to public order and morals.
- Criminal acts or acts that lead to criminal acts or may lead to such acts.
- Acts that violate laws, regulations, or ordinances, or may lead to such violations.
- Advertising, promotion, solicitation, business activities, or other acts for commercial or business purposes.
- Posts unrelated to the purpose of the Account or similar acts.
- Fraudulent acts as defined by each social media platform.
- Posting comments repeatedly with the same or similar content from the same User.
- Altering any part or all of the content disseminated by the IAJ.
- Other acts deemed inappropriate by the IAJ for reasonable grounds.
5. Measures against Prohibited Activities
If the IAJ determines that any prohibited or other inappropriate activities have taken place or likely to take place, the IAJ may block the User’s account, delete comments or postings to the Account, and deny access to the Account without prior notice.
6. Disclaimer
The IAJ takes utmost care to provide accurate information on the Account, but it assumes no responsibility for any actions taken by Users based on the information on the Account. Furthermore, reposting, quoting, or retweeting posts by other accounts does not imply endorsement by the Account.
The IAJ assumes no responsibility for replies, quotes, reposts, comments, etc., made by Users to the Account. Additionally, the IAJ assumes no responsibility for disputes or conflicts between Users or between Users and third parties related to the Account.
Please note that the IAJ may suspend operation of the Account, delete posts, or change information without prior notice. Furthermore, the IAJ assumes no responsibility for indirect damages, special damages, consequential damages, and incidental damages (such as lost profits resulting from using or not being able to use the Account).
7. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The use of the Account and the interpretation and application of these terms are governed by Japanese law. Furthermore, Users agree that the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction over any disputes related to the use of the Account.
8. Replies and Inquiries
The IAJ will not reply to any “comments,” “inquiries,” “DMs,” “posts,” “likes,” “follows,” etc., made by Users to the Account. For inquiries or opinions, please use the “Contact Us” form on the IAJ website or the “Inquiries” form on the ICA2026 website.
9. Operation Period
The Account may be terminated or deleted without prior notice. The Account is current as of April 2024 and is subject to change without prior notice.
10. Changes to the IAJ SNS Official Account Usage Policy
The IAJ may change this policy as necessary without prior notice.
End of document.