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Report on the IAA Council and Committee meetings held in Seoul, South Korea

Report on the IAA Council and Committee meetings held in Seoul, South Korea

At the IAA Council and Committee meetings held in Seoul, South Korea from May 20 to 24, 2024, the ICA2026 organizing members gathered with actuaries from around the world to share expertise, discuss ongoing projects, and consider new developments in the actuarial profession.

Additionally, we took the opportunity to promote the 33rd International Congress of Actuaries through the screening of a promotional video and speech, announcing the event details and showcasing our efforts on an international stage. The speech, delivered in a friendly atmosphere and sprinkled with jokes, captivated the attendees, whose keen interest boosted the morale of the ICA2026 organizing members.

Furthermore, we held meetings with actuarial associations from various countries, encouraging active participation in ICA2026.

ICA2026 will be held in a hybrid format from November 8 to 13, 2026, at the Tokyo International Forum. The details of the program are currently under review by the organizing committee, and we will continue to provide the latest information through this website, so please stay tuned!